

There is no regular connection between Keri and the mainland but there are still several ways to get onto the island. One of the ways is to come by your own vessel. Even a yacht with foldable wedge has found a way to park itself with the higher tide. For coming by yacht it is still better to call the island guard to pick you up with a rib boat.  

During the navigation season, island watches are changing and transported to and from the island every weekend. The shift usually departs from Leppneeme port. Island watchers are being transported by Peep Rada. On Facebook, he is under the name of Vesilemb Millimallikas. When there is free space on the boat, you have a chance to see Keri. 

The cost of the two way trip is 55 €. Preschoolers ride for free. Other kids ride for 35 €. 

We recommend you to join our Facebook page where all the latest information is always available. 

You can also take a ferry from Prangli to Wrangö Prangli and ask some local fishermen to give you a ride to Keri. 

Here are some of the contacts:

  • Tanel +372 5306 2565
  • Endel Linholm  +372 5663 7482
  • Raimond +372 5191 1811
  • Iivar Piirissaar +372 5648 8127
  • Vambola Kahro +372 5646 4029

Keri merevägi


When you are coming by your own boat, you need to know that there are four terminals on Keri for landing – A, B, C and D. Please find the locations from the photo below. 

Keri terminalikaart

Most important out of those four is terminal C, opening to NE. As the wind in Estonia is mostly blowing from West, then Terminal C is best for the approach. 

The bottom of the sea in terminal C is uneven, it is getting more shallower when you are approaching the pier and then gets deeper again. 

Softer version of the coral reef which breaks the wave and the water is calm inside the lagoon. In our case, the waves get noticeably softer but do not disappear completely. From time to time you can see how the water is boiling both of the rights and left side of terminal C and the waves are breaking. But closer to the pier there is just a gentle wave. 

With zero-sea level, you can approach with the draft of ca 0,8m. You have to consider that between the waves you are going to be lower. You have to pay attention to the signs as the way in is very narrow. 

The only huge rock is the line after which you have to keep your aim straight as the marking of underwater boulders can change with heavy storms and moving of the ice. However, landmarks stay still. 

With the wind from West and East, you can approach terminal C up to 11 m/s, 12 m/s by wind from the South. With bigger wind than that we don't recommend coming to the island.

Terminal A is a naturally deeper area in front of the boathouse. The boathouse opens up these directions, where the boats were pulled out but a place has never actually acted as a port. Terminal A is mostly used for its deepness close to shore. It was the only best place to get on the island once, but over time all support facilities for this have been washed away by the sea. 

Terminal B is for eluding West winds and it is located close to terminal A, just the other side of the island strip. Be aware of invisible rocks underwater, which makes the landing harder for newcomers. More experienced sailors can land straight onto the shingle and smaller boats can be dragged onto the shore. During stronger storms from West and North, this location is one of the few with gentle waves and they do not break, however, the current stays strong and anchoring is mandatory. 

Terminal D is in front of the house. You can only get to a certain distance from the shore and the rest of the approach needs to be done with smaller vessels. By smaller or inflatable boats you can almost make it to the shore. 

This terminal is best to be used by winds from NE, North and East, as the wave is long and does not rip an anchored boat. 

When you arrive and you don't see the island guard, find him and introduce yourself. Ask for island tour and make sure to buy some souvenirs. All the money will be invested back to the island.